The Hijri - AD calendar is an accurate calculation, because it is based on the global rukyah method, and has been adapted to the hijri calendar used in Indonesia.This Hijri Calendar App contains the latest Hijri calendar, namely Hijri 1444/1445. It is also equipped with a Javanese calendar and market day.In addition, I also combine this Hijri calendar apk with the Christian calendar, so that it functions as a converter and makes it easier to convert dates from Hijri to Christian or vice versa.This Hijri calendar application is designed for 2022 and 2023. For the next year it needs to be adjusted to the global rukyah results, so that it is guaranteed to remain accurate.This application does not use the general formula for calculating hijri dates because there are often differences in days and differences in the dates of Islamic holidays.The Hijri Calendar Widget application is also complete with Sunnah Fasting schedules, five daily prayer schedules, Christian calendars, nearby mosques, and others. Thus it is very useful for Muslims in worship.